Are there professional standards for the nurse coaching industry?

Yes, the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation (AHNCC) is responsible for creating the core essentials necessary for becoming a board certified nurse coach. The core essentials outline the core values and competencies required to become a board certified nurse coach. To learn more about this, click here: https://www.ahncc.org/

How will I know you are the right coach for me?

During our initial conversations and/or discovery session, together we will identify if this is an appropriate fit. So, before you say "yes", you will have a sample of what the coaching experience will be like. Until then, click on my MEET YOUR COACH page to learn more about myself and my approach in coaching.

How do I get started in the coaching process?

If you are interested in beginning the coaching process, please schedule an initial discovery session where we can further explore  the details of the coaching relationship.

What can I expect from you as my nurse coach?

As your nurse coach I will...

  1. Bring 20+ years of nursing experience and training as a functional nutrition counselor to our coaching partnership. 
  2. Support, educate and counsel you as we navigate through your healing journey.
  3. Explore the WHY not just the WHAT when it comes to your health and well-being. 
  4. Use nutrition and lifestyle practices to support your body's ability to heal.  
  5. Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions that increase awareness.
  6. Be an on-going resource for you in accomplishing your goals. 
  7. Treat you as an individual. One size never fits all.

I will NOT...

  1. Provide a Medical Diagnosis and Treatment. This is out of my scope of practice as a Registered Nurse. 
  2. Accept 1:1 coaching clients who live outside of the 39 compact states and 1 border state listed here. Unfortunately, my nursing license only allows for work as a nurse in these states. Courses and content are available for all!

 What if I sign up for this and decide it is not right for me? Do you have a money back guarantee?

Yes, I call it my "participate and get your money back" guarantee. If within the first month of our relationship you show up to the calls and participate fully in the coaching process, you can simply let me know this is not working for you and I will completely refund your money. To honor the coaching agreement and the coaching process, if you sign up and do not show up for your coaching sessions, do not do the follow up work, etc, then I will not refund your money.


Is this client center and my data secured and safe?

Yes! In fact, there are 3 levels of security: provided to keep your data safe and confidential:  

  1. Username and password protected;
  2. Verisign Security Certificate protects your data on this site; 
  3. Secured pages (https://)

Is my information confidential?

Yes. This site is protected by a username/password system. You are the only one that has access to your information.


Can I contact you in-between our scheduled coaching sessions?

Yes! In the event that you would like support on something that comes up in between our meetings, you can post an inquiry to the Client Log and we can have "just in time" coaching via your Private Client Website. On weekends please allow 24-48 hours for a response.


What is the "Register Now" link and when would I use it?

If you are interested in becoming a client or beginning the coaching process, you can create your own account to access the private client area.  When you "register" I will be notified that your account has been created and will need to activate your account. This could take up to 24 hours.

How do I access your private client area and how do I log in?

Click on the Login link in the navigational menu of the website. Then enter the username and password that has been assigned to you. Don't have login information yet?  Contact me so we can get an account created for you.

I have a password that I use for most of my on-line accounts.  Can I change the password you assigned to me?

Yes. You will need to log in initially using the password I assigned to you. Once you log in, you can change your password at any time in your Client Profile page, that you find under the FORMS tab.

What if I forget or lose my password and login information?

If you simply forgot your password, you can still go to the Login page by clicking the Login link. Click on the blue link "forgot password" to the right of the "Login" button and, in the new "Forgot Password" window, enter your username and click on the "Continue" button. You will receive an email shortly with your password included.

If you misplaced both your username and password, contact me and I will forward you your information.

I’m trying to log in, but it will not accept my username or password, what do I do?

Remember that the login information is case sensitive, so enter it exactly like it was given to you. Also, type in your login credentials and DO NOT copy/paste it, as this procedure can include empty spaces, which count in a password, thus rendering incorrect. Again, if you do not remember your login credentials, you can contact me via email and I'll forward them to you.


What if I need to reschedule my appointment?

It's easy. With at least a 24 hour notice, you can reschedule any appointment by using the online calendar system. Just complete the following steps:

  1. Log into your Private Client Website Area.
  2. Click on the Calendar Menu.
  3. Locate and click on the desired block of “Available” time (or if you already have an existing appointment, click on the title of your existing appointment that you wish to reschedule)
  4. Click on the "edit" button and change the details of the appointment to correspond with an "Available" block of time.
  5. The calendar will update itself, you'll see your new appointment reflected and I will receive an email notification letting me know of the change. 


How do I easily make my payments for my coaching services?

Each month you'll receive an invoice from my practice letting you know the amount committed to for that month. You can (1) mail a check to the remit to address located right on the invoice or (2) log in to the private client area, click on the Payments Menu and you will see any outstanding balances due at that time.

What are the various methods of payment I can use to pay for my coaching services?

Check, or Credit Card (which includes Stripe). You can also have your coach process your payments for you each month on a credit/debit card.

  • To pay by Check: simply use the "remit to" address located to the right in the body of the invoice you’ll receive monthly from my practice.
  • To pay by Credit Card or Stripe: when you receive your monthly invoice, click on the link at the bottom of the invoice to log into the private client area and click on the Payments Menu. Here you can either enter your credit card number information and my system will automatically (and securely) process your payment.
  • To have your coach process your payments for you: Complete the "Credit Card Authorization" form found under the Documents section of the private client area. Once I have the authorization and billing information, I will automatically process your payments for you as outlined in the authorization form.
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